Friday, December 12, 2008

updates forthcoming...

Regretfully staying in tonight. I'm tired, and last night was plenty of fun for me :D. Money is slowly becoming more and more of an issue, because I failed to change out my money while the exchange rate was still decent. My contacts won't stop attacking my eyes and my glasses are currently out of the country and out of commission. I have some games-related things to write. A few classes to plan for elementary- and middle-school students, and that somehow involves relearning how to make paper snowflakes for a class activity. A shower is also in order for tonight, and that's a one-hour event within itself.

Tomorrow is supposed to be a big send-off for the 3-monthers, so maybe a break isn't so bad. (ahhh, you can see my tiredness in my writing; terrible, terrible).

So maybe some updates later? I'm still bitter about Flickr's Uploadr crashing in the middle of my update and dashing about an hour-and-a-half's worth of work to nothing.

I also have a new episode of the Office to watch sometime this weekend!! Season 5 is awesome so far.